We wish you a very happy 4th of July! We all enjoy USA birthday and wish Americans the best!
At this Newsletter we want to show you some new products and communicate the Bluenoemi's special offers
for this Summer.
At the Etsy shop Discount:Sale, 15% off when you spend US$50
Active since:Jul 2, 2018—Jul 10, 2018
At the sterlingsilverjewel.com , Bluenoemi's mobile adapted store, we offer the coupon firstsale for a 15% discount on your first order.
All over Bluenoemi'seBay storelook for the special offers and sale items.
At Bluenoemi's Amazon shop we continue offering Gifts and Souvenirs from Israel at very competitive prices. You can get them in 1-3 days directly from Amazon warehouses at the USA.
Please remember that at Bluenoemi's Amazon shop you find Gifts and Souvenirs from Israel at very competitive prices. You can get them in 1-3 days directly from Amazon warehouses at the USA.