Engraving is the ultimate way to personalize your wedding ring or your favorite ring.
The custom of inscribing romantic poetry onto wedding rings began in the courts of medieval Europe. Today, engraving a message on the inside of the shank is one of the
easiest ways to personalize an engagement ring or your wedding bands.
I love you
love is eternal
To my soul mate
C.R. to D.L. July 10
C&D forever (use your first initials)
I thee wed
All my love
I marry you
You have my heart
My heart is in your hands
Never to part
To my wife/husband
Soul mates forever
I'm always with
To have and to hold
Schmoopie (Your private nicknames for each other)
Here is my heart; guard it well!
No one but you
God for me provided thee
God unite both in love
In thy breast my heart doth rest (Old English)
Pour tous jours (For all days, 15th-century French)
Joie sans fin (Joy without end, French)
Mon coeur est a vous (You have my heart,
Je t'aime (I love you, French)
Mon amour (My love, French)
Il mio cuore e il tuo per sempre (My heart is yours forever, Italian)
Amore mio (My love, Italian)
Vivo per lei (I live for her, Italian)
Myn genyst (My heart, Old German)
Mizpah (May the Lord watch between you and me when we are absent from one another, Hebrew, Genesis 31:49)
Ani L'dodi V'dodi Li (My beloved is
mine and I am his, Hebrew, Song of Solomon 2:16)
Semper amemus (Let us always love, Latin)
Semper fidelis (Always faithful, Latin)
Pari passu (With equal step, Latin)
Amor vincit omnia (Love conquers all, Latin)
Deus nos iunxit (God joined us, Latin)