King Solomon, the son and heir of King David, builder of the Lord’s Temple in Jerusalem, was considered to posses the wisdom of nature. It was believed Solomon could speak the language of animals and spirits, and submit the spiritual world to serve justice for the benefit of men.
King Solomon Seals presented here are attributed to King Solomon, who was given the knowledge associated with the King Solomon Seals creation of the seals by an angel of the Lord.
According to ancient traditions the various seals were used by the magic-wise king in magical rituals to evoke spirits in order to achieve benevolent and just goals.
How the seals have become part of kabbalistic magic (Jewish mysticism) and also valued by the occult in other forms of medieval and even Eastern magic, is not yet clear and is a matter of historical, archaeological and spiritual research and investigation. So is true for the use of the seals in different rituals. While some of the letters and markings on the seals can be recognized, a great many of them are obscure, at least to those who do not posses the ability to understand their true nature.
Some of the Seals are represented in our necklaces.
Solomon Seals bear the ancient wisdom of King Solomon. The Seals originated from King Solomon's ring on which were engraved symbols, letters, names of angels, codes and acrostics of biblical verses.
These amulets contain different mystical codes that are intended to guard, protect, relax, heal people and help in difficult times in life.
"This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh." Genesis II 23-24
Seal 43 - The Fourth Pentacle of Venus - This seal is believed to be one of great power, capable of forcing the spirits of Venus to obey its bearer and bring to him the person his heart desires. Old traditions name this seal
The Fourth Pentacle of Venus, a star sign that is associated with friendship, kindness and love, as well as for pleasant undertakings and traveling.
On the seal can be seen a circle surrounding a double bordered square on top of another undefined shape.
In the centre of the shape is a symmetrical cross. The are various Hebrew letters engraved at different positions inside the geometrical shapes.
At the top, outside the circle, is a Star of David (‘Magen David’). Also engraved outside the circle are two verses from the book of Genesis. The first, to the left of the Star of David reads:Zot hapaam etzem mi atzmi u basar mibsari,
Which is taken from the verse: “And Adam said This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh she shall be called Woman because she was taken out of Man “(Genesis 2:23).
The second verse, starting after the “:” sign reads: ve haiu le basar ehad.
Which is taken from the verse: “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh” (Genesis 2:24).
This seal helps to bring love from "a distance", either when lovers are geographically apart, or when a person feels that the love of parents/ colleagues/ spouse is distant.
It will also help people to love, accept themselves, express this feeling to others through tolerance, understanding, equality and by maintaining the boundaries of love and lust.
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